@charset "UTF-8"; /* SpryValidationTextField.css - version 0.4 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */ /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */ /* These are the classes applied on the error messages * which prevent them from being displayed by default. */ .textfieldRequiredMsg, .textfieldInvalidFormatMsg, .textfieldMinValueMsg, .textfieldMaxValueMsg, .textfieldMinCharsMsg, .textfieldMaxCharsMsg, .textfieldValidMsg { display: none; } /* These selectors change the way messages look when the widget is in one of the error states. * These classes set a default red border and color for the error text. * The state class (e.g. .textfieldRequiredState) is applied on the top-level container for the widget, * and this way only the specific error message can be shown by setting the display property to "inline". */ .textfieldRequiredState .textfieldRequiredMsg, .textfieldInvalidFormatState .textfieldInvalidFormatMsg, .textfieldMinValueState .textfieldMinValueMsg, .textfieldMaxValueState .textfieldMaxValueMsg, .textfieldMinCharsState .textfieldMinCharsMsg, .textfieldMaxCharsState .textfieldMaxCharsMsg { display: inline; color: #CC3333; border: 1px solid #CC3333; } /* The next three group selectors control the way the core element (INPUT) looks like when the widget is in one of the states: * focus, required / invalid / minValue / maxValue / minChars / maxChars , valid * There are two selectors for each state, to cover the two main usecases for the widget: * - the widget id is placed on the top level container for the INPUT * - the widget id is placed on the INPUT element itself (there are no error messages) */ /* When the widget is in the valid state the INPUT has a green background applied on it. */ .textfieldValidState input, input.textfieldValidState { background-color: #B8F5B1; } /* When the widget is in an invalid state the INPUT has a red background applied on it. */ input.textfieldRequiredState, .textfieldRequiredState input, input.textfieldInvalidFormatState, .textfieldInvalidFormatState input, input.textfieldMinValueState, .textfieldMinValueState input, input.textfieldMaxValueState, .textfieldMaxValueState input, input.textfieldMinCharsState, .textfieldMinCharsState input, input.textfieldMaxCharsState, .textfieldMaxCharsState input { background-color: #FF9F9F; } /* When the widget has received focus, the INPUT has a yellow background applied on it. */ .textfieldFocusState input, input.textfieldFocusState { background-color: #FFFFCC; } /* This class applies only for a short period of time and changes the way the text in the textbox looks like. * It applies only when the widget has character masking enabled and the user tries to type in an invalid character. */ .textfieldFlashText input, input.textfieldFlashText { color: red !important; } /* When the widget has the hint message on, the hint text can be styled differently than the user typed text. */ .textfieldHintState input, input.textfieldHintState { /*color: red !important;*/ }